Therapeutic Coaching and consultations with dr. Cécile Ellert

Therapeutic orientation

30 mn

60 min Remote Energetic

Aromatherapy Treatment

Dr. Ellert uses energetic investigation methods to identify in a few minutes the origin of your physical and emotional imbalances.

At the end of the consultation you'll leave with the list of what you need to resolve and transform in your life to obtain the desired relief as well as the list of essential oils that you need most to go from A to B.

👉🏻 Consultation: $90

AromaSoulTherapy is the method created and used by Dr. Cécile Ellert to identify in a few minutes the origin of your physical and emotional imbalances.

From there, Cécile uses quantum healing principles to carry out instantaneous energetic corrections and act on your vibrational frequencies in order to eliminate the origins of your blockages.

At the end of the session Cécile will give you an aromatic protocol to use as a basic treatment, as well as nutritional guidelines to follow to make the effects of the corrections last.

For who ? For women who need to get back on their feet very quickly following a shock, childbirth, overwork, drug treatment or hospitalization.

👉🏻Session: $297

Coaching and therapeutic corrections - Pack of 4 meetings

Four meetings of one to two hours per month including:

✨Energy investigation (the causes of your problems, your nutrition, your foods, your toxicity, your psychic attacks, your energetic weaknesses, your suffering meridians, your stress level, your emotional state),

✨Identification of the essential oils you need to act on your weaknesses, anti-toxicity actions, nutrition and detoxification protocols,

✨Symptomatic responses with energetic corrections on you and your essential oils.

For who? Mainly for women who

👉🏻 need to resolve intractable digestive problems (diarrhea, constipation, IBS, SIBO),

👉🏻 pain without obvious causes,

👉🏻 sudden skin problems, hormones or stress. (to be discussed and evaluated with Cécile)

Coaching and therapeutic corrections, monthly subscription

1 to 4 meeting of one to two hours over one month, automatically renewable according to your needs:

✨Energetic investigation (the causes of your problems, your nutrition, your foods, your toxicity, your psychic attacks, your energetic weaknesses, your suffering meridians, your stress level, your emotional state),

✨ Identification of the essential oils you need to act on your weaknesses, anti-toxicity actions, nutrition and detoxification protocols,

✨ Symptomatic responses with energetic corrections

For who? For women who have chronic issues to resolve, long-term treatments to alleviate and support on the long term.

For example: 👉🏻To support hormone therapy, chemotherapy or any other long-lasting heavy chemical treatment, weight loss, eczema and psoriasis, depression, alleviate side effects and toxicity, protect the body and facilitate recovery.

👉🏻 Support the cessation of toxic addictive medications (psychotropics, painkillers)

👉🏻 Develop and implement a tailor-made anti-candida approach

(to be discussed and evaluated with Cécile).